Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Fastest Multi Colour Changing Animal (Chameleon)

Chameleon species are able to change their skin colors. Different
chameleon species are able to change different colors which can include
pink, blue, red, orange, green, black, brown, yellow and turquoise.
Some varieties of chameleon use their color-changing ability to blend
in with their surroundings, as an effective form of camouflage. Color
change is also used as an expression of the

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Man becoming (Self-induced Evolving) Into A TIGER

At what extrme a human can go. No one can answer. But this man can give
us some idea. This is not a legend. A man got obsessed by a strange
desire of becoming tiger (or somewhat tiger-like). He has undergone
several painful operations to modify his body to achieve his goal. This
photo is showing the convexity of the lower forehead, which he got
after placing silicon pads.. This photo is showing