Friday, October 23, 2009

Worlds Largest EGG (OMELET) & (OMELETTE)

An omelette or omelet is a preparation of beaten egg quickly cooked
with butter or oil in a frying pan, usually folded around a filling
such as cheese, vegetable, meet , or some combination of the above. A
Normal sized omelet! World's Largest OMELET or OMELETTE!!! The world’s
largest omelet was created by the Lung Association in Brockville
Memorial Centre in Ontario, Canada. It took place on

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Man Fitted a Camera in his Eye (Eye replaced by Digital Camera) And Turned Himself Into A walking Camera!!

Canadian film maker Rob Spence, who damaged his right eye in a
childhood accident, is determined to replace it with a digital
camera. "Team Eyeborg" has just succeeded in fitting Spence with an
artificial eye containing a working LED – a step towards a
camera-containing synthetic eye. Spence and engineer Kosta Gramatis
have succeeded in placing a working red LED in Spence's eye giving him a

World's smallest & shortest cute HORSE, Thumbelina.

Thumbelina, Just 17 inches tall, the tiny mare is so small, has just
been officially recognised as the world's smallest horse.At a mere 17
inches tall (four hands), the mare measures up to the shins of
the 'normal' horses in the paddock. Normal horses lives for about 35
years, but she is only likely to live up to the age of 17 because of
her size. The five-year-old received the title from the

Monday, October 5, 2009

A Duplicate Baby Born with two 2 faces, two 2 mouths and four 4 eyes!!!

The baby girl was born in the rural Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh,
50km north east of New Delhi. Her parents, Vinod and Susham Singh from
a village called Saini, said their little girl was "a gift from
God".And while she may seem like an oddity to some, her proud parents
think she is simply a God reincarnated.The baby is fed by hand. Doctors
say she can eat normally with both mouths Lali was