Thursday, April 21, 2011

Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding | Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Website | Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Date | Prince William K

Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Details
Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Details
William and Kate met at the University of St Andrew's in 2001. At the beginning of college life were on the course of art history itself. But Williams later changed to geography. For many years, shared an apartment with friends. William encouraged Kate to fight for college life. They have been exhibited in public, when a photo of their skis in Switzerland. People always assume that they have committed so far October has been released.

Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Televised
Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Televised
We all know that the engagement ring he gave to Prince William Kate was the dazzling sapphire ring of his mother Princess Diana. E 'was kept Prince Harry, who first chose to remain in memory after his death. He argued that those who committed the first case of children using it. Sapphires are symbolic of the sky These two principles have deep emotional connection to this beautiful ring. Some people thought that this ring is encumbered by the past, Prince William would have chosen another, others believe it represents a fresh start again.

Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Official Site
Prince William Kate Middleton Wedding Official Site
It's probably not a direct route from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. This is because to deal with large crowds. Processions can make their way to the Mall to Buckingham Palace after the break, then go through the Admiralty in Whitehall arket. After passing Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, the royal procession will reach Westminster Abbey.

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