Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wedding Reception | Wedding Reception Songs | Wedding Reception Ideas | Wedding Reception Timeline

Wedding Reception GamesWedding Reception Games

It is not always possible or desirable to have a reception immediately following the wedding ceremony. This does not mean you can not have a place to celebrate your marriage - it is entirely appropriate to have a reception at a later date. Here are some points to remember when planning a wedding reception late.

Wedding Reception DecorationsWedding Reception Decorations

There are several reasons why a couple may choose ceremony and reception on two different dates. One of the most common cause is when a voluntary evacuation. Other couples may choose to have a very intimate wedding with only immediate family and then a big party later. Another reason can be separating the two events is about geography. If most of your relatives and friends living in California, and your fiance plan to marry in New York, the late receipt of your country, you make much sense.

Wedding Reception Invitation WordingWedding Reception Invitation Wording

When planning a late decision, the first question is a calendar. Ideally, you would like to schedule two events so close as possible. This way, you're always in the spirit of marriage, before real life starts to creep back and take the edge of your bridal glow. It also allows the most exciting part for friends and family if you get to see for the first time after the ceremony of your party. If you have been married for months and months, you may feel more like a normal part of a wedding reception.

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