Friday, April 29, 2011

William Wedding Ring | Prince William Wedding Ring | Kate William Wedding Ring | Kate And William Wedding Ring

Gold William Wedding Ring
Gold William Wedding Ring
Kate and William met at St Andrews University in 2001. At the beginning of college life, they had the same story art classes. But then, Williams has changed the geography. For years, they shared an apartment with friends. Kate William encouraged to struggle through college life. They were publicly disclosed when a photo of ski in Switzerland. People always assume that they had taken so far in October he was released.

Kate Middleton Gold Wedding Ring
Kate Middleton Gold Wedding Ring
We know all the engagement ring that Prince William to Kate the dazzling sapphire ring his mother Princess Diana. He was the first Prince Harry, who was first chosen as a reminder to keep after his death. It was claimed that the son got into the first usage. Sapphires is symbolic of heaven, two princes have deep emotional connection to this beautiful ring. Some people thought that the ring is weighted by the past, that Prince William should have chosen another, others believe it represents a new beginning. Do you agree?

Princes Kate Gold Wedding Ring
Princes Kate Gold Wedding Ring
It is unlikely that direct route from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Abbey. This is because to deal with large crowds. Processions can make their way to the mall after his discharge from Buckingham Palace, then go through the Admiralty in Whitehall Archanda. After passing by Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, royal processions reach Westminster Abbey.

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